الثلاثاء، 6 سبتمبر 2016

Dog In The Back Of A Truck During Thunderstorm Goes Viral On Social Media

On the internet, another image has emerged that has sparked an uproar on social media, and rightly so considering what you’re about to see. A dog was seen curling itself in the back of a truck travelling on 465 in Indiana, trying to escape loud thunderstorms. We all know hat dogs are afraid of thunderstorms, this is why I cannot understand why the driver was being so merciless.
The truck had no one in the passenger seat, so why didn’t the driver allow the pup inside the truck? Why would the driver leave the dog outside to face the frightening thunderstorms all alone? If this isn’t torture and cruelty, I don’t know what it is, honestly. The pup’s owner, Blake Heidelberger, said that his dog was muddy and that shortly after this photo was taken, he put the dog inside the truck.
Take a look at this image

Blake claims that his dogs are ‘show dogs’ and that he could never treat them bad. Well we don’t know for sure, but I think muddy or not, this was wrong. What do you think? Share away, people.

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